I am working on the website from scratch myself, doing research on art programs for kids in Chicago, and printing new canvases for my growing number of clients. I should have our new website, complete with store and gallery ~ up and running by the end of June! Check back for updates!
On the Calender for May + June:
1. Create new comic strip sketches for @mbrowntheremix
2. Finish Myspace profile page design for @junmhoon
3. Twitter background fix for @DAlocksmithtips
4. Creating print, gallery wrap frame of "Little Genius" for @Megaton
5. Frame "Prayer" for best friend Deidra Avery Jackson.
6. New photograph to canvas print for Valerie Warner of her kids
7. Two new paintings in process for Terryn Murphy
8. Finish business plan research for thesis project
9. Research grant funding + get donations for new art program at CPS schools
10. Sleep + try to take a breath + hire an intern!
Sounds like you have quite a lot on. A lot of it sounds like fun though! Good luck with it all :-) Be sure to make time for #10