Elite Tweeters: Top 25 users in ChicagoChicago is the third most popular Twitter location in the world, according to a recent study. Only Los Angeles and London are tweeting more at the moment.
But who are the Top 25 Twitter users in Chicago?
If you want to rub elbows with Chicago's true Twitterati, these are the accounts you should follow.
1. @armanoBio: Communicator, designer, thinker, doer, dad, biker, karaoke junkie, and imperfect soul. Working on social business design with Dachis Co.
2. @lizstraussBio: Liz loves building brand & content strategy, irresistible offers, & fiercely loyal fans for associations, hospitality, universities, & professionals
3. @ObamanewsBio: News from Barack Obama's White House and Campaign Offices - UNOFFICIAL TWITTER
4. @arstechnicaBio: The Art of Technology
5. @ambercadabraBio: Director of Community for
@Radian6. Marketing, social media, books, nerdy things, and stuff outside.
6. @suntimesBio: What you need to know: now. News, entertainment, sports and business news from the Chicago Sun-Times and more. And yes, it is real people here.
7. @kellyolexaBio: Sales and Marketing Diva, Fitness Fanatic, Starbucks Addict, Social Media Cupcake:Ford Fiesta Movement Agent!
www.fiestamovement.com/agent608. @ginidietrichBio: CEO of Arment Dietrich. Author of spinsucks.com. Creator of BFF Beauty Bag. Vistage member. Avid cyclist. A foodie. Lover of shoes and wine.
9. @djboothBio: Online Music Magazine that features new music, freestyles, reviews, interviews and much more! submissions@djbooth.net
10. @leahjonesBio: Natiiv Arts & Media: Social Media Coaching for Artists, Musicians and Writers.
11. @willigerBio: Success driven ex-DELL sales maker and new media evangelist by day. Meditating, guitar playing, wine making, crime fighting superhero at night. I like cheese!
12. @afrobellaBio: beauty and culture blogger extraordinare, road tripper enjoying life's little adventures
13. @brentdpayneBio: Tribune's Bald In-house SEO Director (aka SEO Sultan)
14. @whereivebeenBio: Hi! I'm Katy, Where I've Been's Community Manager. Listen to me ramble on about travel tips, advice, & news. Email me anytime! katy@whereivebeen.com
15. @lenkendallBio: Expert at NOTHING. Idea Catalyst. Enjoy being clever & constructively grumpy. PR+Marketing+Community. AEKDB
16. @wadecreate <<<
HEY THAT'S ME!!!Bio: Founding Artist of Custom Canvas Art Gallery. Creative. Painter. Producer for WGN TV + Web. Mom of 2. Geek. Blogger. Random Tweetaholic. In LOVE. ART AGENT.
17. @redeyechicagoBio: This is print media 2.0. I'm Scott Kleinberg, RedEye's Social Mediaologist and Buzzmaster. Follow my personal feed at
@scottkleinberg for more fun.
18. @playboyBio: Playboy, Hef, Playmates, Models, Girls, NSFW, Nude, Naked, Pics, Videos, Articles
19. @philipnowakBio: Interests: Chicago Bears, Blogging, Grilling, Reading, Skiing, Social Media, Technology & Traveling. PT Volunteer Social Media Director for
20. @monicaobrienBio: Marketing Professional and ENTP with a knack for all things Gen Y. Moderator for the #SM4SMB conversation.
21. @amyderbyBio: highly caffeinated writer, blogger, food safety geek, and law blog consultant -- I'm also
@lawfirmblogger22. @amandachapelBio: See Strumpette.com or contact me directly at chapel@strumpette.com
23. @zagrrlBio: Tech / Innovation Intrapreneur. From Stainless Steel thru Sustainability to Social Media. Super Power - Quantum Sympathetic SuperConnector
24. @coloneltribuneBio: The Colonel knows Chicago. He is also a more gentlemanly version of
@ChicagoTribune25. @bradleywillBio: Gnarly Entrepreneur | Coach | Social Media Strategist | Raw Food + Pitbull Lover and a Mr. try anything once. Gen-Y Leader promoting Young Entrepreneurs #NV247
Wondering how this list was created? With the help of
Twitter Grader, which uses an algorithm to rank Twitter users based on followers, tweet frequency, interaction with others, and more.
You're certain to have seen at least some of these users around Twitter before. Question is: How many of them are you following?
READ ORIGINAL POST ON CHICAGO NOWPosted by Breaking Tweets Chicago via
@BTChicago July 23, 2009